Donations of transport boxes, bedding, harnesses and leads, dog food, treats and toys are always welcome.
Donations for our raffles and tombola stalls, eg bottles, gift items etc etc. We also are happy to receive unwanted items for our online shop or for our market stalls.
Have one of our collection tins for loose change or if you have a retail business have one for the counter for customers to put their coins in. It’s surprising how quickly the cents become €€€€€€s and the pennies become £££££££s.
Join our Monthly Meat Raffle Group. Tickets are just €2 and you have the chance to win a €50 meat hamper or take the cash!
If you would like to make a cash donation we have a dedicated paypal account or donations can be made at our vets towards our vet bills or into the Pawsawhile bank account. Donations via Facebook are no longer possible due to a change in regulations in EU.
Payment details.
Or to set up a regular donation use the link below.
Monthly donations can also be set up direct into the Pawsawhile Bank Account, details below.
Bank details:
From within Spain:
Bank: Sabadell
Account Name: Paws a While Dog Rescue
Account Number: ES33 0081 0682 49 0001479349
From outside Spain:
IBAN – ES33 0081 0682 4900 0147 9349
Charity Registration No.13675