A busy summer with around 45 dogs rehomed. Tasha the husky mum tested positive for Leishmaniosis. She has had more blood tests and is on 3 different types of medication twice daily and weekly trips to the vets. This will continue until at least February 2023 when we hope the final blood test will show she is clear.
after this she will be able to travel to Finland. She is here with us now as the remaining husky puppies are no longer dependant on her. A lovely little girl. Sandy travels to Finland on 17th October and hopefully Paco will go soon afterwards to his new home. This will enable Carl to do some maintenance and repair the puppy paddling pool and tile it. Let’s hope the next puppies prefer to paddle in it and not eat it! Friends organized a successful fundraiser last week so we have been able to buy dog food, cleaning products and put money in our vet account towards ongoing vet bills! Next week we are doing a tombola at an event and hope to raise a little more. The monthly meat raffle continues to do well and most months we sell the maximum 100 tickets. We work very hard organising fundraisers and generate as much income as we can to cover our costs. Our next event will probably be a Christmas Fayre. Our accounts have been approved by the accountant so all the work that goes into preparing these is time consuming but worthwhile! There are always so many dogs needing help and we continue to help as many as we can. This includes dogs not under the Pawsawhile umbrella but still dogs that need help (vaccinations, castration etc) to enable them to find a home. Fewer people are coming forward to foster dogs long term ie until they find a home so more pressure on us. Plus it reduces the number of dogs we can help!

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